Feb 23, 2021
In this Episode:
Are you an overreactor? Do you run hot to quickly, then wish you said or did something differently soon after? Most of do… some of us, often. In this episode with go through steps and specific actions to improve and take control of yourself.
Action Steps:
Quotes in...
Feb 17, 2021
In this Episode:
Life balance is something we try to work towards and often wish we had more of. In this interview with Mike Crowley, he discusses what he has done to improve his routines and develop habits to gain life balance.
Feb 9, 2021
In this Episode:
There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Often the two get confused and can lead to people rejecting the thought of improving their confidence. We talk about and work through the steps to confidence in anything.
Action Steps:
Feb 3, 2021
In this Episode:
What should you do on Sundays instead of resting? We answer that question and more in this episode.
Action Steps:
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Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders