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Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast. The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results now! We are committed to giving you ideas, strategies, motivation and entertainment in a concise format that you can listen in your car on the way to work.

Feb 25, 2020

In this Episode:

Habits rule our life. Most of what we do every day is based on our habits. Some are good and some are bad. Good habits are difficult to develop, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to develop, but difficult to live with. What are your best habits?


  1. Do you have a question you want...

Feb 18, 2020

In this Episode:

  1. How do I get motivated to do tedious tasks?
  2. There is great stuff to read nowadays and too few hours in the day. How do I make time in a busy life and prioritize what I read?
  3. Do you ever run out of things to be grateful for? I tend to write the same things down over and over again.


  1. Do you...

Feb 11, 2020

In this Episode:

Most of us have experienced the stress of trying to fix multiple problems at once. Sometimes those “fires” are caused by others, but sometimes you are the cause. In this episode we discuss the steps to stomp them all out.


  1. Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?
  2. Go to...

Feb 4, 2020

In this Episode:

A blind spot is an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality. We all have them to a certain extent and they can, if not worked on cost you greatly. In this episode we discuss the 3 steps to combat your blind spots.


  1. Do you have a question you want answered in a future...