Aug 27, 2019
In this Episode:
Maybe your best isn’t good enough. Many of us heard as kids, “Just try your best.” That’s not a bad thing on the surface. The challenge is, we rarely push ourselves past our comfort zones and therefore aren’t even close to even our current best. Learn the 3 most import steps you need to take.
Aug 20, 2019
In this Episode:
The feeling of significance is one of the human needs that we all seek. The problem is it can be felt by doing negative and even evil things. We discuss how to set up other people for success. Giving them positive significance early on will make a huge positive impact on their lives.
Referenced in...
Aug 13, 2019
In this Episode:
If you start off by setting your goals from a mindset of gratitude and abundance, you will see and feel a huge shift in your focus and therefore your outcome.
Referenced in this Podcast:
There are 19 Podcasts that are related to goals, how to set them and how to achieve them.
Aug 6, 2019
In this Episode:
Changing your world is easier than you think. It starts with you. Your thoughts, attitude and actions will shape the world around you.
Referenced in this Podcast:
Podcast Ep. 022: How to Become ‘Bad News’ Bullet Proof